

Jun 05, 2023

Sandstone City looks to update public bathrooms

Bathroom updates are on the rise in Sandstone according to the City of Sandstone council meeting minutes.

City Hall Upstairs Bathroom

City Hall is an unusual building, with it being a two-story split level building. According to the meeting minutes from July, the bathrooms that serve the entire building is located in the Library one-story addition. Tenants and customers/clients on the second story of the City Hall portion of the building have to navigate one stairwell down and then another stairwell up to reach the bathrooms; or they could take the elevator (which many people are hesitant to do). This causes confusion and frustration for these people.

According to the meeting minutes, a meeting with Lundberg’s Plumbing and Heating had been conducted and it was determined that it is possible to run the sewer and water upstairs (second story of the City Hall portion) and create a new unisex bathroom in Room 205, which was part of the DMV office (before the DMV moved to Room 202). Lundberg’s estimate for the plumbing work is $9,990.00.

The meeting minutes state that Ty Johnson is able to do the construction work–build and insulate a wall to enclose room 205, remove the carpet and put down tile and baseboard, remove shelving, cap two electrical outlets, change the light fixture, replace the door lock, and add a fan.

Lundberg’s Plumbing and Heating, and the hiring of Ty Johnson was accepted and carried unanimous in the meeting.

John Wright Building Community Center Bathroom

The meeting minutes also talk about the John Wright Building, which has become a hub of activity in the community. It houses the Public Works Department, the Daycare Center, and the Community Center. The way the building is laid out, the bathrooms are located in the Public Works Department and in the Daycare Center. There is no access to the bathrooms in the Public Works Department from the Community Center, leaving only the Daycare Center bathrooms for patrons of the Community Center.

This causes a problem due to the public not being allowed into the Daycare Center spaces unless they have gone through an in-depth background check. At this time, the Daycare Center is operating until 5 p.m. Meetings have been taking place in the Community Center during the days/times when the Daycare center is operating. The minutes state that not having access to restrooms has become an issue.

Everyone’s Table has been providing a port-a-potty outside the Community Center door to help alleviate the conflict–although, this is not ideal as many of the people visiting the Community Center are elderly.

The council meeting minutes state that Public Works Director Hiler and Administrator George have been looking at possible locations for a unisex bathroom that would serve the Community Center, and a meeting with an architect had taken place to map out several potential options.

Of these options, it was determined the best option is to locate the new bathroom in a portion of the Public Works garage, under the mezzanine.

Lundberg’s Plumbing and Heating was contacted to determine if sewer and water could be brought to this location under the mezzanine. It was determined that was possible. An estimate of $16,450.00 was presented.

The council motioned and passed unanimously that Lundberg’s Plumbing and Heating, along with Ty Johnson would be hired for this project.

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City Hall Upstairs BathroomJohn Wright Building Community Center BathroomKeep it Clean.PLEASE TURN OFF YOUR CAPS LOCK.Don't Threaten.Be Truthful.Be Nice.Be Proactive.Share with Us.