

Jul 25, 2023

Illegal quartz mining thrives in Odisha's Mayurbhanj district

Continued digging up of forests and revenue land for illegal quartz mining has resulted in craters that end up becoming ponds and damage valuable trees.

Published: 29th August 2023 09:38 AM | Last Updated: 29th August 2023 09:38 AM | A+A A-

A heap of quartz stone mined illegally in a forest area near Paktia village | Express

BARIPADA: Contrary to the claims of revenue, forest, mining and police department to have contained illegal mining in Mayurbhanj district, reports of illegal quartz stone mining in forest and revenue land of Sarashkana block under the nose of the district administration keep pouring in every now and then.

Continued digging up of forests and revenue land for illegal quartz mining has resulted in craters that end up becoming ponds and damage valuable trees. Most stones are then carried by trucks outside the district by the mafia with help of middlemen. Use of JCB machines frequently also poses risk for both wild and pet animals as the craters remain open. But no effort has been made to check such illegal mining.

It has been alleged that the officials of the department concerned are hand in glove with the mafia and receive bribe to support the illegal practice rampant in Dhakadihi, Milkudihi, Barudbeda, Pusidunguri, Uchhagaon-Sunamuhin and Paktia villages of the block and under Bangiriposi forest range. Sources said nearly six to seven trucks enter the forests every day to collect the stones from the villagers who get good money from the middlemen.

BJP leader Suguda Murmu said the district administration and mining department have lost crores of revenue as no land was given on lease for mining. “It is because of the support of officials that the mafia carry out mining in the block rampantly,” he alleged. The mafia smuggle the stones through Jamsola check gate and Barudbeda on Jharkhand border. Owing to the complicity of officials, police personnel and middlemen, the stone-laden trucks cross the border without any hassles, he further alleged.

An official of the mining department said their duty is limited to check the seized stone but they do not have the power to check illegal transportation of stone. Contacted, Baripada DFO Santosh Joshi said illegal quartz stone mining is carried out on forest and mostly revenue lands. “It will need the effort of revenue, forest, mining and police together to check the illegal practice.” Sarashkana tehsildar Manoj Kumar Karji said he had seized nearly 10 to 12 trucks within some months and handed the people involved to local police to proceed further with the case.